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May 24, 2009

How to install Multi operating systems (Solaris, RHEL, CENTOS, FEDORA, SUSE) on single or multiple hard disks? -- Part2

So till so far we are done with Solaris & RHEL.

Note: If in case, you had not mentioned during RHEL installation about Solaris, even though you need not to worry. Let the system get booted in RHEL and edit this file /boot/grub/menu.lst
You need to just add the chain loader command for Solaris grub after the RHEL in menu.lst file, save it and reboot the system.

For Example (as in this case) :

title Open Solaris
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

CENTOS 5.2 :-

Now we are going to install CENTOS in the continuty with Solaris & RHEL.

1. Create one ext3 partition in the extended partition, as we did for RHEL.

2. No need to create the swap partition, since we'll be using the same swap space, what we created for RHEL.

3. Start installation from the Centos DVD.
  • During installation label the created ext3 partition as "/" (root) and the previous one swap as swap.
  • NOTE: Centos 5 + versions should automatically label the "/" (root) like "/1" or "/12" or "/123", to differentiate from RHEL installation, which has already "/" (root) as label. If in case you want to install some older version of Centos, then better use any partition software like Paragon partition software to label this partition as something different than RHEL, like "/1" or "/12", etc. If you want to relabel the RHEL installation itself, then don't forget to modify the menu.lst as per the same.
  • Install the bootloader: You can do this in two ways--
  1. Install the bootloader in the MBR itself and add the RHEL in the Centos's menu.lst
  2. Install the bootloader in the starting part of the Centos's partition and add the Centos in RHEL's menu.lst
  • I installed the bootloader in the MBR itself, with advanced options.
  • Check the list shown during installation and as per your bootloader installation select the default bootloader, remove others and add Solaris & RHEL, with their respective locations.
  • Select other options as per your need, finish the installation and get rebooted.
4. After reboot, as per my selection to keep Centos as default, Centos will get started. Since the default time is 5 seconds only, so press any key instantly and then your all options Centos, RHEL & Solaris will get flashed on the screen. Select as per your choice and every thing should work properly.

5. Now get booted to centos and edit the menu.lst
  • Change the default time of 5 seconds to any value, whatever is good enough for you.
  • If any of the options was not working properly then check the menu.lst file and see whether all operating systems are proper or not. Mainly check the labels.
Note: I have tried my best, eventhough if you think that i should explain something in some better way. Please let me know---Drop your queries and suggestions as comment. Thanks & Enjoy.

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