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June 27, 2008

What is the Physical Design? What are the various steps included in the whole process?

"Physical Design" includes all the tasks needed to build a silicon chip from design netlist to final GDSII layout.

Compared to design capture, simulation, and logic synthesis (which are
called front-end activities), physical design is referred to as back-end work.

In other words, physical design covers the tasks necessary to turn the design
from a logic entity into a physical entity. It starts from the netlist, which is generated from the logic synthesis. However, the physical design can also include the task of RTL logic synthesis since there is an ever-increasing tie between the logic synthesis and the physical layout. The term physical synthesis reflects this fact.

The list below shows roughly the major tasks in the physical design domain:
  1. Logic synthesis
  2. DFT insertion
  3. Electric rules check (ERC) on gate-level netlist
  4. Floorplan
  5. Die size
  6. I/O structure
  7. Design partition
  8. Macro placement
  9. Power distribution structure
  10. Clock distribution structure
  11. Preliminary check
  12. IR drop
  13. ESD
  14. EM
  15. Place and route
  16. Parasitic extraction and reduction
  17. SDF generation
  18. Various checks
  19. Static timing analysis
  20. Cross talk analysis
  21. IR drop analysis
  22. Electron migration analysis
  23. Gate oxide integrity check
  24. ESD/latch-up check
  25. Efuse check
  26. Antenna check
  27. Final layout generation
  28. Manufacturing rule check, LVS check
  29. Pattern generation
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